Wedding tips! To tip or not to tip! Just when you’ve paid off most of your wedding expenses you think oh my golly what’s happened to all the money honey?! You may then notice some of your wedding staff and wedding vendors eagerly waiting for a potential tip at the end of the night. To identify this -look carefully for the glint in their eyes or a charming smiles that flash at intervals across the room. (yes that’s them!)

Here’s the truth – do you have to tip? No you absolutely do NOT have to tip. (am going to say this again – you don’t need to tip) However, its customary to tip where you feel your wedding team and staff on the floor have gone the extra mile in making your day as special as possible. The question then begs – exactly which wedding staff do you tip?

A wedding team is made up of all of some of the following: your wedding photographers, your wedding DJ, wedding videographers, wedding bar tender, wedding on the day coordinator, wedding planner, wedding catering staff, wedding officiant, hair and makeup team and lets not forget the wedding florist! This long list of essential wedding contributors can become overwhelming so here is the honest truth.

Tip only those who you felt gave you the most support and worked the hardest. It WILL become clear who put in the most hours on their feet as your wedding day is drawing to a close. That’s truth ONE. Then truth TWO is as follows. Its better to tip at least something per person than none at all. Every person (believe it or not) even cherishes a $20 tip rather than none at all.

Make sure you have change broken up into a few notes in advance as part of your last minute list of things to do on your way to your wedding venue. Take along a few envelopes and towards the end of the night chat to your new spouse and divide up accordingly. A blessed and happy day should end with smiles all round and those who did go the extra mile – be rewarded – any amount no matter how small does make a difference and will be very much appreciated by your wedding team.

Pheww… now that we have that out there – if you still aren’t sure? Listen to the lady in the video above! 😉 Have an amazing wedding all!

To Tip or Not to Tip